Be sure it is just one big folder instead of multiple different folders. I just completed a replay on dark mode, and I went a few points into sign to get rank 3 quen, then put the rest into swordmanship. that is the best build I have heard so far. but your approach is probably better in Insane mode (which i didn't manage to beat yet ) since the game is harder at the beggining, cheers Aaden :). The Witcher 2 Best Build To Lvl 21 For Insane/Hard - Possible Spoilers (27 posts) (27 posts) (27 posts). Witcher 2 has insane replay value - you will need to play through twice to really feel like you saw most of the content. Instead of learning to use magic wisely, the sorcerer's apprentice wants to use it to get out of doing chores. In there, create a new folder and name it “mods”.