
Choose mira or hanharr
Choose mira or hanharr

choose mira or hanharr choose mira or hanharr

On Nar Shaddaa, two possible things can occur. Thus he swings between wanting to kill her and following her in the shadows. He serves his life debt to Mira, but believed that by killing her he could free himself.

choose mira or hanharr

Regardless of his knowing that the life debt was a tradition of his people, he detested the idea, because it made him weak. It is unknown as to whether Mira knew she would then be owed a life debt, and it is certain that she wasn't keen on the idea, but Hanharr disliked it even more so.

choose mira or hanharr

She almost killed him, but taken by pity, she saved his life. However, she escaped from him by leaving a pile of explosives behind her. Previously, Hanharr had been employed to hunt Mira, and had trapped her in a series of sewers, where he planned to ambush her. There is also a history between Hanharr and Mira. Light-side players will be joined by Mira, dark-siders will be joined by Hanharr. One of these will join the party of the Jedi Exile, as is determined by the personality of the player character. Hanharr is encountered on the planet Nar Shaddaa, as is Mira, another bounty hunter. Hanharr is a psychotic bounty hunter, whom many fans disliked, since he is the first 'evil Wookiee' to be used in a game (although he was preceded by Chuundar in the first Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game), and a strong contrast with the courageous Zaalbar who travelled with Revan. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. Special Feats: Wookiee Frenzy, Wookiee Fury, Wookiee Rage, Wookiee Toughness I, Wookiee Toughness II, Wookiee Toughness III Quick Facts Page Guide: Quick Facts, History, Discuss Hanharr An in depth character biography of Hanharr from the Xbox and PC role playing video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (also known as SWKotOR2 and KotOR2).

Choose mira or hanharr